The Nuclear Family and Why It’s Not Working
In a strict nuclear family model, parents are left without support from outside adults. They are left to work and raise children in...

Why celibate LGBTQ Christians stir controversy on right and left alike
In other words, where many conservative Christian leaders denounce LGBTQ identity, many are unwilling to do the relational work of...

Autism and Loneliness (#TakeTheMaskOff)
You never realise how lonely you are until it is just you, your thoughts, and time. I spend most of my time escaping from reality so that...

What Christians Don’t Want to Admit About Celibacy and Homosexuality
Here’s the crux of what I’m getting at: we’ve got to realize that gay people are no different than anybody else. If straight people are...

My Revoice Experience
On the other hand it was also super convicting and confronting. I can wallow at times that making friends as an adult who just moved back...

At one point in her keynote, Eve Tushnet commented that the Revoice community is “united largely by its sacrifices.” Reading between the...

But unlike its more progressive counterparts—from Q Christian Fellowship to The Reformation Project to any number of mainline Protestant...

Revoice gave me courage to love the Lord more than I love myself
At most Christian conferences I’ve been to, the musical worship often seems like a feel-good warm-up routine to get people feeling...

LGBT hope
I was recently asked by a young SSA dude about how I knew God wanted me to "come out" and give my testimony publicly, and about what...

Reckless Love: Notes on Revoice ’18
I asked a lot of people what had been the highlight of the conference for them, and everybody gave the same two answers. Most people...