Be Still, My Soul
#Miscellaneous #hymn #hope

Nearer, My God, to Thee
#Miscellaneous #hymn

Being a gay black man...
“Being a gay black man... I think that has been my struggle. And being from Ghana because my family somehow doesn’t know I’m gay. They...

The Lion King Broadway Soundtrack: Endless Night
#Miscellaneous #inspiration #hope

Brené Brown on Empathy
#Miscellaneous #Empathy

Lean On Me
#Miscellaneous #leanonme #inspiration

Can You See Me?
'Can you see me? Don’t look at me and see something that needs to be fixed. If you are to see the weakness in me, see also the Jesus...

Help Me Believe
#Miscellaneous #helpmebelieve #inspiration #prayer

"My Identity is Not in Sin..."
My queerness is more than just the temptation to be sexually intimate with the same-sex. It is a unique lens and perspective that allows...

Be Thou My Vision Hymn - Acapella Arrangement
#Miscellaneous #hymn #acapella