Can You See Me?
'Can you see me?
Don’t look at me and see something that needs to be fixed. If you are to see the weakness in me, see also the Jesus within me. See that in my weakness I am strong, see that because of this weakness I have found a reason to grasp onto Gods truth more desperately than ever before. See that because I am fallen I am also strong in Christ.
If you can see only a broken wing and not the bird who is determined to fly then you don’t see me.
I love women, I don’t hide it anymore. As a man would glow in one woman’s eyes, a woman glows in mine. God tells me to come as I am and he loves who I am. And because He loves me, I love who I am. But I am of the flesh and the flesh is weak, I long for what is sinful but even in this I bring it to God. I do not hide, I do not cower for he has forgiven me.
If you see my desire for what is wrong and not the strength in sacrificing it for God, you do not see me.
Can you see me? Brother in Christ can you not see that we are the same? Both slaves of the flesh and doubters of the mind. We analyse, theorise and challenge. I call myself an outsider, someone whose struggle is different from the rest. But is this true? Do you also feel like an alien on a foreign planet? Is your heart longing for community similar to mine? I see similar desires, desires of a servant of Christ who loves and hurts, I see Christ in you brother. But again I ask you can you see me?
If you cannot see Christ in me you cannot see me.'